martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Barcelona, here we come!

Not knowing how often I would be able to run while in Spain, I logged in a few extra miles through my beloved New Orleans right before I left. I was feeling relaxed after the completion of a busy week of final exams and end of the semester ceremonial commitments. 
Now I am finally in transit to Barcelona with my students and switching gears in anticipation of all the excitement that these few weeks will undoubtedly afford. Our first stop will be Barcelona for a few days, then Granada, Córdova, Seville, Madrid and Toledo. I will try to blog about some of the unique historical places we will visit on this amazing escape to some of the ancient sites of medieval Islam, Judaism and Christianity. The students are upbeat and giddy. Little do they know, however, that jet lag will hit them like a ton of bricks! But traveling with college students is perfect because they can fully appreciate the immense value of this type of experience and they are incredibly fun. One of the students is a member of Xavier’s track and field team and I have already recruited him to run with me in Barcelona; he is tickled about it. They are such responsible and mature adult/kids and all of them arrived and checked in at the airport before I did. I am in fine company for the next few weeks. I am actually the spoiled member of the group who gets away with everything. How fun!
Hasta la vista!

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