lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

a quick and fast run

Went running this morning with my neighbor and friend, Jonathan. He is a bit younger and much faster than I am, an accomplished high school runner during his prime and holder of some short distance records, and still a superb and extremely fit runner, and way too modest for a runner. Fooled me. I thought I was going for an easy run with him. But dear Jonathan took off right from the beginning assuming a comfortable pace FOR HIM, 8:20 mpm… Holy shit! Not a good match for me, a slow long distance runner, trying to get back into the swing of training, plus I normally start my runs at around 9:40 mpm pace and gradually increase my pace to a comfortable 8:50 mpm, which is my fastest training pace. All I could say was, “I will never be able to keep up with this guy!” Surprisingly, I was able to stay right behind him and after mile 4 the universe worked in my favor and Jonathan began to slow down… YES! We ran the last two miles side by side at a comfortable 9:00 mpm pace. Whew!  I love being pushed and want to run with this guy again and again and again… Happy trails all!

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