viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

Meaningful changes...

After a few weeks in 80 and 90 degrees weather, my body is trying to adjust to the cold temperatures and I am already fighting a nagging cold. Notwithstanding how I feel, yesterday I went out for a run around City Park. It was around 27 degrees but it felt more like in the teens and I had to wiggle my toes at every stride to shake off some of the numbness; please take me back to the Caribbean Sea…
Aside from the cold, I am happy to be home with my cat and my dog. I missed them so much and how quickly they have both already adjusted to being back home. My cat is full of life and I love how she fills up all the empty spaces with her playfulness and feline energy and sounds. My dog is getting old but she ran circles around me like a young pup when I picked her up. I know she missed me and I can see some sadness in her eyes. Her caretaker told me she stood and looked out the window often as if waiting for my return (i hurt).
I returned home to a busy work schedule already, meetings and class preps, all within a few hours of my arrival and am not ready for any of that. Besides all the responsibilities of my job, I am venturing into a different path this new year –a major undertaking that, along side my job and my Boston marathon training, will occupy my time 100%, leaving me with no time for anything else. Suffice it to say that I am pursuing a renewed goal of mine and doing so with much fear and trepidation, but I am doing it because now it seems the right time and because I don't want to regret not chasing after this particular endeavor.

This semester is going to be a hell of a ride and next to all my fears and anxieties, I am also experiencing great excitement in anticipation of meaningful changes…

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