miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

The things I want…

A small yard of my own, why? Because I want to have my own small garden and be able to plant and grow some of my food and eat from the fruit of the earth (the pachamama) from my own yard. I was thinking very hard about this early today. Although I only eat fish, I eventually want to follow a strict vegetarian diet for health reasons but mostly for ethical reasons. The challenge that I have in wanting to do this is eating enough protein to fuel my muscles and endure training as a distance runner. I know it can be done because there are many vegetarian runners. I had a long conversation with one of my classes about this today and some of my students think I am crazy—what a compliment! ;-) Then of course I will need time to work in the garden and tend to it, even if it is a small one, but how therapeutic it would be… My dog of course would enjoy the yard and the garden too. I want a small garden...

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