martes, 2 de junio de 2015


i just found out from one of our maintenance guys here at the CAN that someone killed the white kitty i took to get fixed two weeks ago; Snow White was her name. She had bruises on her side and someone left her dead in the parking garage area. these people are so careless and heartless. i am so sick of this place. that kitty was so precious. i am heartbroken and in tears of course, wishing i could find homes for these cats. i have been waiting on the vet to start setting up the trap again to catch two other kitties in the courtyard. but the vet has been too busy for the last few days and we have to wait until she has some openings. next week, she said. meanwhile i am mourning, sad, heartbroken and angry all at once.

I am so afraid for all the other kitties around here. Some of the people who live in this building are so cruel to cats. I even wonder if Snow White wasn’t victimized and killed by a dog. Some people here sick their dogs on the cats and I hate them for that. Snow White never came into the garage area and it’s hard to believe that she would have run under a car or that she would have been careless. She was feral. But I have to stop thinking about it because I can make myself throw up. I could not hold it in when I heard she was killed.

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