viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Gearing up for next weekend's race!

A week from today, I will be in Memphis, TN, gearing up to run the St Jude Memphis Marathon early Saturday morning. I am so excited! Life is full of incredible experiences, isn't it? About a year ago I was at a friend's party and he introduced me to one of his friends from Memphis. We had a nice time dining and chatting and the next day I too was giving a party at my place and I invited them over. Well, to make a long story short, this friend from Memphis invited me to stay at his place during the marathon weekend because he lives right across from St Jude Hospital and only a few steps away from the starting line of the marathon. Wow! Life unfolds wonderfully when we are open to embrace it fully. So, this Friday night I will be resting comfortably at my new friend's place and the next morning I will only have to step outside the door and walk a few steps to the starting line. Incredible. My marathon training, however, is another story. A few months ago I suffered a calf injury and am still dealing with pain. Resignation is not my forte, but I had to give up the notion of a PR and stick to just a plan to finish the race––so much so that I had to convince my coach to let me run the full instead of scaling back to the half. I simply won't have it! It pains me of course, after so much effort, not to be able to run freely and at the desired pace, but I will make sure I am ready to run 26.2 miles, even if I have to hop across the finish line. C'est la dolce vita!

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