miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

A scary experience never to be repeated…

This morning I got on the scale and was alarmed to see my current weight at 112lbs. For some reason, I am on a downward spiral and must watch my weight loss carefully. I have had a stomach bug off and on. I fell ill right after my last race with a stomach problem that almost sent me straight to the emergency room. I was forced to stay in Baton Rouge after the race until I felt well enough to drive home. My friends stayed with me and were insistent in taking me to the emergency room. They did not know what to do. But I was reluctant because I dislike emergency rooms and hospitals in general for that matter. So I took several Imodium tablets, drank some sprite, nibbled on some crackers, and rested a bit in between trips to the toilet, all the while thinking I was going to die. It was a terrifying experience. I knew that my body was totally depleted after such taxing race. I needed some nourishment but I could not eat anything; that was the main problem. On top of that, I had had very little rest the previous nights and ran a half marathon at a very fast pace on only two hours of sleep. Stupid me! At first, I blamed it on the sports drink they were passing out at the race, but I think that I blatantly pushed my body to the brink of a break down. I finally made it home but was unable to eat much solid food for an entire week. Lesson learned and I pledge never to do that again. The bright side of this is that I can indulge on some of the holiday feasting and maybe put a few lbs. back on!

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