miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Something not to be taken for granted

Today I was not able to get out of bed, let alone make it to work. That’s something I never take for granted--my health. With the exception of those days (like today) when my body finally succumbs to being exposed to sick students and endless days of crazy weather and temperature changes, I consider myself pretty lucky to be quite healthy. However, being a healthy person requires commitment to an active life style, a healthy diet, and positive attitude.
For the last three days I have not been able to workout and I am aching to return to the throes of hard physical exercise. A couple of hours ago my running buddy called wanting me to join her in a run this evening. It was so painful to say, “I can’t go.” With a mild cold I am usually able to run and exercise and I often feel better afterward because when the body sweats, it gets rid of impurities or free radicals that cause damages to the human cells. But I am dealing with NO mild cold right now but a MEAN one and I am being careful to give my body the rest it requires to heal.

my colorful stash
In addition, a healthy diet full of antioxidants must follow a good exercise routine, with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. We are lucky in New Orleans to have the Farmers Market where we can buy fruits and veggies free of serious pesticides or one can also buy “some” organic at the local grocery store, but it’s good to know which fruits and vegetables have the most pesticide residues and which ones are the most important to buy organic.

Lastly, like Winston Churchill said, "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." Positive attitude can carry us a long way, especially when dealing with our increasingly stressful lifestyles. Much research has been done to indicate that the mind can have a powerful effect on your body and positive attitude has also been correlated to immune system responses. Keep smiling!

I close for now as I continue to nurse my body back to health and try to get rid of this nasty cold. 

Stay active, eat well, remain positive, and enjoy good health!

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