miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Pink salmon and a trap!

Success at 6am this morning! I set up the kitty trap in the courtyard and caught a female kitten. She will be fixed and I hope to catch her three other siblings in the next few days. Last week I noticed a new litter of kittens in the back alley; they are so tiny and adorable and live under our building, along with a slew of stray, and feral cats. It broke my heart to see them out there because that only means one thing–there will be more and more of them. They are proliferating at such rapid rate, it’s impossible to get them all fixed. Now that I have a little more time, however, I intend to catch the ones in our courtyard, at least. My good neighbors from downstairs are also helping and so is the vet who is willing to take them in when we catch them. It’s a team effort. 

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