martes, 28 de enero de 2014

A day off to rest for the race ahead

A cold spell and our city closes shop for the day! I am not complaining; am rather glad to have an extra day off to continue my mental and nutritional preparation for the Rock n' Roll Marathon this Sunday. I planned out my diet for this week and more so in light of a small stomach discomfort that continues to surface when I run at a fast pace. I can't figure out what the problem is but it's not sufficiently bad to thwart my race plans. The pain comes and goes after I reach certain number of miles and more so when I am going fast. I just have to slow down a bit and let the discomfort pass. It might be the GU gel of which I eat a small tube every 5-6 miles, or the Gatorade I drink during long runs. But GI problems are part of the issues we runners have to deal with as we train and race. I shall conquer this problem.

I already had my pep-talk with my running coach. She and I have been working on my pace. I have trained hard these last few months to be able to run the pace I need to qualify for the Boston Marathon. That has been my number one goal and I am going for it. I think I can do it but doubts creep inside my head every now and then and I fear failing and not reaching my goal. I need to let go of that fear and go out there on Sunday and give it my best; that's all I can do.

This is what my dear coach said:

"start out a little slow, build to race pace within the first 3-5 miles, then aim for approximately even splits throughout the race, not getting discouraged when you have a slow mile, and not getting to "gung - ho" when you are feeling good and want to have a fast mile.  if you are feeling great at mile 6 and you're like "i can maintain an 8 mpm pace!", RESIST.  DON'T DO IT.  it will hurt you in the end.  keep an even pace. i'll leave you with one of my favorite motivational images.

at 211 degrees, water is hot.
I shall triumph!
at 212 degrees, water boils.
and with boiling water comes steam
and steam can power a locomotive.

that tiny extra effort can make the difference between hot water and the ability to power a machine. one little degree. a small change - a huge result.

give it that extra degree.  rise to 212 degrees.  bring the heat. you are going to have a great race.  believe in yourself.  believe in your training.  remember how great you felt in those practice race-pace runs, and just enjoy the race."

~thank you, COACH!

I got this!

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